Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Hot Help: Treasures in Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls: fiVe is a medieval action adventure and dragons game for personal gaming computer consoles wherein you take control of an unnamed dragon hunter aiming to stake out a claim for fame and fortune. While you can do literally everything you can think of throughout the Skyrim Province of Nirn, one of the main features of the game is collecting mementos from your dragon-killing exploits.

Knights, Soldiers, Highwaymen, Peasants, Priests, Ghosts--even Bears and Bugs: all of these baddies will block your path to glory. They pose varying degrees of challenge, and all will yield up spoils of war relative to your level of expertise. Still, while gold coin, stronger weapon, and bigger armour are fine, you'll find yourself selling off most of it to shopkeeps for a fraction of their worth anyway.

Don't worry, these beat baddies are only sleeping until they see you quit the game.
No, a true treasure hunter knows that the item's of greatest value are often of incidental or negligible worth. While grave-robbing is a foul practice, it is common knowledge that the victor of a skirmish is owed exactly a tenth of the losers belongings, or all the items on their person. When the last foe falls, pass by those coffers of coin and spend your time amongst the newly dead. Turn out their pockets and take inventory: Who was this soul? What do their former belongings tell about their life? Chances are that these bandits aren't the richest individuals, but what worth did they ascribe to which items? If there is a semi-precious trinket amongst the dross, then think upon its meaning in that context. Piece together, as best you can, an understanding of the soul you just sent to Oblivion. Pocket their preciousness to keep in a chest in your home, and pass onward towards more adventure!