This week we bring you an amazing trick for the Animal Crossing software series, a game that lets you do all the things you do in real life! You can spend your time doing whatever you like, making money, catching bugs, making friends, and even losing friends.
From time to time, your friends will move away. Even if you've put everything into the friendship, you will grow distant, drift apart, and eventually you'll wake up one morning and they'll simply be gone.
We'll it's time to give your animal friends a funny taste of their own medicine! Follow the guide below to become a legendary ghost in your village!
- Play Animal Crossing daily for about a year (long enough to settle into a home and establish a presence in your community)
- After a year has passed, play Animal Crossing late at night, so that fewer watchful neighbours are out. We recommend 3am.
- Empty all of the furniture, items, fossils, and other goods from your home and spread them around your house. Cut down all the trees. IMPORTANT: do not speak to anyone as you do this.
- Now for the hard part: don't play Animal Crossing for at least one year. Three is better. Seven is best, since seven is a number rife with superstition.
- From this point on, only play the game in the middle of the night. Walk around town, speak to no one, hide from everyone.
If this trick is done correctly, the village will be overrun with weeds as your sudden disappearance takes its emotional toll on all the villagers. Doubtlessly, you will have become the stuff of legends, spoken about only in hushed tones behind locked doors. And as long as you continue speaking to no one, your occasional appearances will only lend further credence to the legend of your restless ghost.
Note: This trick has only be tested on the Nintendo Gamecube version of the software. It is unconfirmed for the DS, Wii, N64 and 3DS versions.