Monday, October 29, 2012

Creature Feature: Repugians

Hello happy Hallowe'eners! Samhain season is upon us and there is no better way to prepare for your night of celebration than running the Hallowe'en simulation game Costume Quest! Beware though, because just like the real-life Devil's Night, some houses you run across may be overrun by the candy-stealing capers of monsters from Repugia. These beastly baddies bogart your potential loot and must be defeated to send them running back to ol' Big Bones. Don't go into battle blind though; SHELPSHOT has you covered for a synopsis of these sneaks so you can get back to your Hallowe'en apples!

This grabby-Daniels acts as the forerunner of Repugia's sugar heist, invading your neighbourhood to pull classic snatch-and-run shenanigans. Hold tight to your loot-bag lest you knock on a door and wind up losing candy! A flashy costume is a pretty good defence.

Bigger and meaner, Trowbogs are harder to take down than your run-of-the-mill monster. They've been laying siege to suppliers of candy, cutting them off at the source (and skimming more than a little off the top). They have an insatiable appetite and have even been known to eat unsuspecting kids! Smack 'em with your candy pail to get the jump on them! They move slowly but hit deliberately.

The bird-brains of the hallowe'en invasion operation, Crestwailers are overseers of sorts. They handle the things on outskirts of town, coordinating from the countryside. They're fierce and intelligent and but have a weak fortitude when it comes to working long hours without a break.

Are these all of the baddies waiting out in the world for you? Surely not! Try to seek your soul cake in groups, to be best prepared when you are least prepared. And remember: it never hurts to have a backup costume (or ten!)