Monday, October 15, 2012

Creature Feature: The Face of Drancon

Wonder Boy has gone on many island adventures over the years, but one of the most severe circumstances he has ever faced must be in the Revenge of Drancon for your Sega's Game Gear. Having thwarted the over-reaching nobel Drancon in a previous journey, Wonder Boy is amazed to find that your efforts were for naught!

The evil giant Drancon is revealed to be a shapeshifter and is able to adeptly don to visage of his fallen foes! There are many powerful heroes who have fallen to this cunning facewalker, and whose abilities now serve the evil they sought to surmount. As Wonder Boy attempts a coup against the ruined holdings of fallen empires, Drancon reveals that stronger and stronger warrior beasts have had their faces stolen by his magic. Will the true form of Drancon ever be revealed, or is he in fact faceless? It is up to you and Wonder Boy to find the answer! 

Study close these faces, Islander, and dwell on their old masters' defeat, lest your own face be counted among their numbers!